On this page you can download the new free Tecnaria software version 6.3.0:
- three software for calculating mixed-section slabs now merged into a single suite
- modern and intuitive graphic design with immediate graphic support during in-put data entry
- fire verification for wooden floors
- possibility of exporting drawings in .dxf format
- multilingual (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese) with the possibility of performing calculations with the national reference standard
- complete and detailed guidance within the software to simplify use and understanding
- and much more.
To download, completion of the form on the side is required (fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory).
Minimum requirements: Windows 10 or higher and 64 bit (the software is not currently available in Mac environment).
Once the program is installed, it is recommended to run it for the first time in administrator mode (right mouse button above the start icon -> Run as administrator).